ebm-papst Fans, Blowers and Technology

Fan Noise: How to Control Air Turbulences

Posted on Thu, Jul 10, 2014


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Turbulence. It happens. Luckily, ebm-papst has a solution for noisy systems.

If you’ve tossed and turned at night, unable to sleep because of humming sounds from your home’s air conditioner, you know these noises are intolerable. That same distraction from a heating or A/C system can strike anywhere… in the office, at the store, at a restaurant.

But did you know that it’s usually the turbulence in an air-moving system – not the components – that makes your ears ring?

Fans are an essential part of today’s refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation systems.  They are designed and tested to minimize noise in thousands of applications. However, there are wide differences in how fans are installed and configured, the conditions in which they operate, and their location within the air system. These variables can create air inflow and outflow disruptions that raise the ‘loudness level.’

For example, the housing walls of rectangular heat exchangers can generate a backflow that creates pressure fluctuations on the fan blade. These turbulence ‘vortexes’ drastically increase a fan’s low-frequency (tonal) noise. While it’s not possible to compensate by changing the fan itself, it is possible to straighten the flow of air moving into the fan and balance the pressure of air moving out of the fan.


Over the past few years, ebm-papst has developed two passive add-on devices — the FlowGrid air inlet grill and the AxiTop diffuser. In distinctive ways, each improve how air moves into and out of our axial and centrifugal fans.

The FlowGrid air inlet grill has a straightening effect on the inflowing air, reducing acoustical levels and considerably reducing tonal noise.

In a condenser application, fitted with an axial fan, the FlowGrid air inlet grill reduces overall sound levels by 3.9 dB(A) and tonal noise by 16 dB. In a low profile (250 mm diameter) air conditioning device, the FlowGrid reduces sound levels by 2.5 dB(A) and reduces tonal noise by 9 dB.

Condenser Sound Measurement Chart

This graph shows actual results of sound measurement performed on a condenser. The air inlet grill achieves a significant reduction in sound pressure levels and considerably weakens tonal noise.




While FlowGrid works to reduce low-frequency noise on a fan’s inlet side, the AxiTop diffuser reduces mid-frequency noise on the fan’s discharge side. How does this work? AxiTop operates like a reverse nozzle, increasing pressure and significantly reducing discharge losses. Efficiency increases and operating noise decreases.

Using both AxiTop and FlowGrid on a condenser fitted with a 31.5 inch (800 mm) axial fan, with outside air drawn through a heat exchanger, we’re able to reduce the fan’s noise level by 5.8 dB(A) and tonal noise by 20 dB.

Third Octave Band Sound Power
Setting new standards for their quiet, energy-efficient operation, both devices are advancing technology and creating ideal operating conditions for fans. As a result, we can all sleep better!

Contact our application engineer for additional information at 860 674-1515 or by e-mail at sales@us.ebmpapst.com.

Tags: AxiTop, FlowGrid, Turbulence, Energy Efficiency

Finding new ways to a 'green' enterprise

Posted on Thu, Jan 23, 2014
LizCallaghan 110x135by Liz Callaghan – Director of Customer Service & Logistics

As 2014 begins, we're continuing our GreenTech commitment to reduce our carbon footprint in all that we do. From packaging and shipping materials to logistics and customer service to lighting and equipment, here are just a few of the ways that ebm-papst makes good on our commitment to sustainability!

  • Wareshouse 350pxWe recently replaced all lighting in our warehouse with new LED lighting, which will significantly reduce our energy usage.

  • Over the years we have gotten away from the use of chemically based InstaPak foam and moved toward the use of recyclable brown paper. 

  • We recycle and reuse wooden skids for shipments.

  • We save all small cardboard boxes and dividers, to reuse them again.

  • We have reduced our paper consumption by emailing purchase order confirmations and customer invoices, rather than mailing a paper version.

  • In our logistics center, we've replaced our older pallet scales with new state-of-the-art scales. The floor scales are not only more accurate, they're also saving energy!

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  • Our Logistics Center and Customer Service departments work with our customers to consolidate their shipments where possible. Bundling several orders together helps reduce the number of boxes and skids needed.

  • Our Logistics Center is equipped with motion sensor lighting in all aisles, helping reduce electricity costs. 

  • We continue to upgrade equipment, such as order pickers and forklifts, to more energy efficient models.

About Liz Callaghan
As Director of Customer Service and Logistics at ebm-papst, Liz Callaghan enjoys meeting in person the customers with whom she’s developed productive relationships over the past 17 years. Her responsibilities include warehouse logistics, international purchasing and inventory control. A constant learner, she leverages her diverse experiences to anticipate and address logistics issues in advance, ensuring the best possible service to prospective and current customers.

Tags: Customer Service, Every Day is a GreenDay, LED Lighting, Logistics, Recycle, Liz Callaghan, ebm-papst, GreenTech, Energy Efficiency, Carbon Footprint, Green, Energy Saving

5 Things Building Owners Want From Their HVAC System Retrofits

Posted on Fri, Aug 09, 2013
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By Matt Menard, Market Manager - Air Conditioning

Building owners view their HVAC system as a necessary evil. Tenants / patients / guests don’t want to hear it or see it, and the system better keep everyone in that building comfortable (an impossible task).  Hot/cold complaints rank #1 on calls into the facilities maintenance department. The HVAC system is the largest utility consumer in a building, mainly due to inefficient motors and compressors. In the eyes of a building owner, the HVAC system should be hidden, silent, efficient and fail-proof.   When the time comes for the HVAC system to be replaced or retrofit, there are many opportunities to improve the system.

Comm AC

These improvements can bring ‘value’ to the building owner in the following ways:  

1.       Energy Savings:  In an average commercial office building, the HVAC system is the largest consumer of electricity, accounting for 40% of the electric bill on an annual basis. Designing and installing an HVAC system that utilizes energy efficient equipment is one of the most logical and effective ways to slash operating costs in a commercial building.  For the past 20+ years, most HVAC manufacturers have put energy efficiency near the top of the R&D priority list developing and utilizing technologies that provide significant improvements in efficiency.  EC technology from ebm-papst is the perfect fit for OEM’s as they strive for higher efficiency, replacing inefficient motors with the most efficient motor technology and integrated speed-control. Many retrofit projects result in energy reduction by 25%, with some extreme cases exceeding 40%.  When combined with government and utility sponsored low-cost financing and rebates for installing efficient systems, building owners will be presented with compelling ROI’s for choosing high-efficiency systems. 

2.       Improved Performance: The hospital of 30 years ago had 1 patient per room and very little technological equipment outside of an X-Ray machine. Today’s hospitals have double the beds, hundreds of computers for the staff, and high-tech tools including CAT & PET scanners and robotic surgical machinery.  All of these changes have one thing in common: they produce enormous amounts of heat.  A 30 year-old HVAC system in a hospital is likely to be undersized and strained, which won’t provide the best environment for the hospital. When a retrofit is performed on the HVAC system, the increased need for cooling capacity and changes to the air distribution system need to be taken into account to create a comfortable and safe environment for all staff and patients The UConn Health Center Bioscience Connecticut facility is being replaced due to inefficient and inadequate mechanical facilities in the existing buildings.    

3.       Better System Control: Even the best and most efficient HVAC systems will operate poorly and inefficiently if not controlled properly.  The ability to control different ‘zones’ within a building allows for the HVAC system to constantly adjust airflow and temperature based on the needs of that zone at any given time. With EC technology from ebm-papst, fan speed can be modulated to provide accurate control and energy savings.  For example, at noon an office cafeteria requires high-volume conditioned air to serve the lunch crowd. At 2:00, all of those people have vacated the cafeteria and are back to their desks, so little airflow is required.  Decreasing fan speed for that zone reduces airflow and the refrigeration system can operate at a lower capacity, both saving energy.  A properly designed and installed automated controls system allows for adjustments to be made in all zones based on time of day, day of the week, current weather, occupancy, etc.  These adjustments and decisions are done automatically and consistently by the computer-based system without the need for human input, keeping all building occupants comfortable at all times in all areas of the building.  In addition to improved comfort, the building automation system can help save enormous amounts of energy as the HVAC system will supply only what is required in specific zones, as opposed to full-blast in all zones at all times. 

4.       Increase in Asset Value: In the commercial real estate market, a building owner’s business is the building. The value of this building can be measured in two ways: revenue generated by the building, and asset value of the building.  Improving any part of the building, including retrofitting the HVAC system with a modern efficient design, increases the value of that asset immediately. In other words, if the building were sold, a premium would be paid for the building with the modern HVAC system than that of the antiquated, inefficient system.  In another case where the building owner retains the property, a modern HVAC system can help with revenue as a premium lease rate can be negotiated due to the efficiency and comfort provided to the tenant. 

5.       Being Green:  Efficient buildings and “Being Green” can bring value to a building owner that cannot be immediately measured in dollars and cents. “Green” and “Sustainability” are very common marketing campaigns being utilized by companies to promote their global citizenship.  Possibly included in these campaigns is the commitment to own/lease buildings that meet certain Green/Energy guidelines. Building owners can take advantage of this market segment with the choices they make in creating energy efficient buildings, and many times charge a premium to clients.

Did we miss anything? Please share your thoughts below!

Tags: Fan Technology, air conditioning, Energy Efficiency

Why EC Motors Don’t Always Need Rare Earth Magnets

Posted on Mon, Jul 29, 2013
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Armin Hauer, Advanced Technology Manager

An article in a recent issue of Sustainable Business examines the potential impact of the uncertain supply of rare earth magnets on manufacturing EC motors, noting that EC technology is reliant on rare earth elements. But this isn’t always the case…  

The manufacturers of electric motors struggle to predict the future costs of rare earth elements. As a result, user circles often regard permanently excited electric motors, which are particularly energy-efficient, as expensive. But highly efficient electric drives don’t necessarily depend on strong rare earth magnets. For example, "simple", cost-effective and – above all – readily available ferrite magnets suffice for energy-saving EC fan motors with an external rotor design. In some cases, these reach motor efficiencies of more than 90 percent.

How an EC motor works

A brushless DC drive (BLDC motor), a BLPM motor or an electronically commutated (EC) motor – exactly which motors are in the rare earth element discussion? These are all actually different names for permanently excited synchronous motors. These motors use electronic drives that are either AC line-powered or that use DC power supplies. The BLDC/BLPM motors usually operate with square-wave currents (block commutation). In contrast, EC motors can operate with both square-wave currents and with sinusoidal currents (sinusoidal commutation). The latter method achieves a significant noise and vibration reduction over the block commutation method. The design with sinusoidal currents corresponds to the classic synchronous motor.

Fig 1 exploded view EC Motor

Exploded view: The permanently excited synchronous motor, also called brushless direct current motor or EC motor.

An EC motor always requires a drive electronic that includes an inverter for the control of sequential and reversing current flows in all cores of the armature. This electronic commutation determines the strength and rotational speed of the resulting magnetic field that the armature generates. The permanent magnet rotor responds by revolving synchronously with the rotary field of the armature. In contrast, the speed of AC line-powered asynchronous motors depends on the frequency of the supply voltage and on the motor load. The torque-speed characteristic of an EC motor mimics a DC shunt motor, because both motor voltage and shaft speed, as well as motor current and shaft torque, correlate linearly. The angular rotor position is continuously determined by either sensor hardware in the motor, or the inverter senses the so-called counter-electromotive force and the motor currents for resolving the position mathematically. The idle motor speed depends on the applied voltage and the number of turns of the armature windings. Within the physical parameters of output power, torque and temperature exposure, nearly arbitrary motor speeds can be reached slip-free and synchronously with the rotating magnetic field. These speeds are completely independent of the AC line frequency.

Dynamic requirements determine magnet choice

As a result of their unique motor characteristics, external rotor EC fans seldom need strong rare earth elements. That type of magnetic quality is really only needed to minimize the moment of inertia for very dynamic servo motors.

Why our EC motors don’t need rare earth magnets

ebm-papst GreenTech EC motors for energy-efficient fans remain undisturbed by rare earth element scarcity, because the armature of a GreenTech EC motor is located inside and is surrounded by the rotor.

Fig 2 Aussenlaeufer

Cutaway: Centrifugal fan with external rotor motor.

Our energy-efficient fans remain undisturbed by rare earth element scarcity because the arrangement with external rotor motor achieves a higher torque than an internal rotor motor of the same size, magnet system and magnet thickness. An internal rotor motor has a restricted magnet volume, a reduced air gap surface and smaller radius. External rotor motors that use hard ferrite magnets cleverly applied to fans and blowers attain torque and efficiency levels that internal rotor motors can achieve only with rare earth magnets, due to limited volume and size.

A fan motor design with an external rotor has an additional advantage: The fan impeller mounts directly to the outer rotor, directly to the motor "housing". The result is a compact axial length and superior self-cooling of the external rotor motor.

To further discuss how our EC motors are different, contact us.

Dr Jürgen Schöne, R&D Director of Aerodynamics and Motor Technology at ebm-papst Mulfingen,Werner Müller, Manager of Motor Development at ebm-papst Mulfingen, Armin Hauer, Advanced Technology Manager at ebm-papst Inc.

Tags: Fan Technology, EC motors, ebm-papst, Energy Efficiency, Brushless Motor, Rare Earth Magnets

ebm-papst present at Environmental Technology Prize

Posted on Fri, Jul 26, 2013

The leading technology supplier ebm-papst has again been successful at the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Prize. The AxiTop diffuser made of epylen, a wood-plastic composite, was nominated in the category "Energy Efficiency."

The jury presided over by Prof Dr Dieter Spath (Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering and Head of the Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management at the University of Stuttgart) chose the winners in four categories from amongst 118 entries. This year's prize was presented by Franz Untersteller, the regional Minister of the Environment, on July 11, 2013, at the Stuttgart "Wagenhallen".

The distinction was accepted by Dr Bruno Lindl, Managing Director Research and Development ebm-papst Group: "We were particularly delighted to receive this distinction, as the product was developed on the basis of our GreenTech philosophy, which aims to manufacture products designed for maximum energy efficiency whilst at the same time preserving resources."

The diffuser helps to significantly reduce noise and enhance efficiency in applications such as heat exchangers. Lower sound levels are particularly important for fans used for example in residential areas, where noise is a critical factor. Energy savings of up to 27% are possible with a simultaneous reduction in operating noise of 7.2 dB(A). No design modifications are required even on retrofitting. Thanks to the use of epylen, a wood-plastic composite developed by ebm-papst, the company was able to add the ecological finishing touch to the already excellent quality of the diffuser.

The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector has been awarding the Environmental Technology Prize every two years since 2009 in recognition of outstanding and innovative products in the field of environmental engineering. To qualify, products must make particularly efficient use of resources and help to preserve the environment. They must either be coming up for market launch or not have been on the market for longer than two years. ebm-papst have already won prizes twice before.

Photo 2: The AxiTop in operation on a heat exchanger.

Tags: ebm-papst, Energy Efficiency

3 Benefits of Localizing Production of Larger Fans

Posted on Thu, Jul 18, 2013

Beauchemin Scott 051By Scott Beauchemin, VP of Engineering, ebm-papst Inc.

Our company’s product portfolio has expanded into much larger sizes over the past decade. Ten years ago, a large ebm-papst fan was 500mm to 630mm in diameter. Now, we’re selling fans up to 1.5 meters in diameter that are used in large-scale refrigeration and ventilation applications.

Because importing such large products from our manufacturing counterparts in Germany posed logistics and warehousing challenges, we at ebm-papst U.S. decided to take advantage of our 25+ years of value-added experience to localize production here in the U.S.

The ebm-papst fans we purchase from Germany are now built into larger sheet metal assemblies designed to meet specific customer needs. The majority of this customization happens at our Farmington, Conn.-based U.S. headquarters.

We began by localizing production of our larger axial fans, which are typically used in condensers for the refrigeration market or in chillers in the HVAC market. These fans consist of a GreenTech EC motor, HyBlade® axial fan blades, grill guard and sheet metal venturi. Our U.S. facility now produces the sheet metal venturi and the final fan assembly.

As a result, motors, blades and grill guards are now shipped from Germany in more densely packed pallets, increasing the amount of components sent in one container and helping to reduce our environmental impact.

The next step in the process was to localize production of RadiPac assemblies. A RadiPac is a backward curved impeller, driven by a GreenTech EC motor, contained in a sheet metal enclosure. As energy efficiency has become a hot topic in the U.S. market, demand for energy-efficient backward curved impellers using a GreenTech EC motor has increased significantly. These products are typically used in rooftop air conditioning units, computer room air conditioning units and air-handling units, just to name a few applications.

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RadiPac assembly

Localizing this production comes with many benefits. Three of the main ones include:

1. Products made to order

A major benefit to producing axial fans and RadiPacs locally is our ability to customize each product. Our sheet metal capabilities allow us to easily alter the venturi on an axial fan or the sheet metal enclosure surrounding a backward curved impeller. We have the ability to make specific mounting provisions for a customer. We can powder paint the venturi a customer-specified color. The end result is a product that exactly matches each customer’s requirement.

2. Quick turnaround

Beside allowing design flexibility, local production allows us to quickly react to customer demand. One example: We have several customers that use the same base fan in three different product variations. The differentiating factor is the sheet metal venturi. Without localization, we would have to import all three fan assemblies from Germany. Stocking the correct product mix would always be a challenge. By localizing production, we can stock the base components (motors and blades) and customize the sheet metal to each customer’s specs.

3. Reduced carbon footprint

By producing the sheet metal venturi and the final axial fan assembly, the motors, blades and grill guards are now shipped from Germany in more densely packed pallets, increasing the amount of components sent in one container and helping to reduce our environmental impact.

Localized production is a trend that makes sense on many levels: efficiency, customer service, development of skills and jobs in our communities. What other benefits do you see? What opportunities are still out there?

Share you thoughts below!

Tags: ebm-papst, engineering, Manufacturing, Energy Efficiency

Cycling to ebm-papst on GreenDay

Posted on Wed, Jun 26, 2013

Hartman Phil sq

by Phil Hartman, Senior Director - Marketing, ebm-papst Inc.

With this year’s GreenDay theme of reducing and measuring CO2emissions we decided that one way to tackle this would be to leave some cars at home on June 5th.  This means carpooling, or getting to work by alternate transport such as cycling or on foot.  With enough participants, perhaps we could accumulate enough saved miles to make a dent in gas usage for a day. 

For me, cycling to work seemed like a good experiment since I don’t live too far from work.  A bike ride sounds easy, but before doing so I realized that a certain amount of thought had to be put into planning my route.  The most direct route (Rt 6) I normally take would put me together with cars driving at fairly high speeds in multiple lanes, going around curves, and over a small mountain; the good news is that the town recently painted bike lanes on Rt 6 where previously there were none.  On the other hand I could take a more indirect route using smaller back roads, but in many cases with no bike lanes and maybe more chances not to be seen by drivers.  In the end I decided to try my luck on the back roads to limit my exposure to high speed traffic and to avoid large intersections with multiple lanes to cross. 

I know from running that roads in the area aren’t always user-friendly to pedestrians and cyclists.  In some cases the roads either aren’t wide enough to comfortably accommodate a rider and traffic, and/or don’t have designated bike lanes, and/or the painted bike lane area is so tiny that it allows hardly any room for the runner or rider – an afterthought in road design not unlike fans sometimes being treated as an afterthought in system/cooling design!  Also there seems to be less control with cycling than with running in traffic.  While running, I face traffic and I can see what is coming at me, but with cycling the danger can be behind or perpendicular to you and you may not see danger coming - complicated by higher speeds achieved on a bike.  With either method you have to be very alert and try to be as visible as possible to drivers.  My bike ride to work opened my eyes even further to how much better roads could be designed if towns really wanted to support cycling.  There are Rails-To-Trails paths that go through Farmington which are perfect for cycling, but those paths are limited and were not useable for my commute to work from out of town.

After a very hot weekend, the morning of Green Day had perfect weather for biking to work.  While riding to work I noticed so much more detail about neighborhoods and the landscape than I do when driving.   As all cyclists and runners know, some drivers are more considerate than others when passing.  For my roundtrip, I have to say that most drivers were very accommodating and gave me adequate space when they passed.  I arrived to work energized and ready to go, and also enjoyed an invigorating ride home.

The result - I’m glad I ventured out on the bike to test the practicality of this method of transport.  I estimate that I saved approximately one gallon of gas, which may not seem like much but it all adds up especially over many people.  While cycling to work would not be practical for every day or year round commuting, there is no reason why I can’t find occasional days from spring through fall to ride to work on my bike.  It’s just a matter of planning and adjusting my schedule to make this possible, with the added benefit of reducing my carbon footprint.  If cycling to work does catch on within the company, we may have to build and install a bicycle rack to accommodate everyone – perhaps a new value added project for our manufacturing department?!

As a group using an alternative method of tranportation, we saved 275.5 miles = 12.8 gallons* of gas. And 0.114 metric tons of CO2

*Based on an average fuel economy of 21.5 mpg, from the US EPA.

Tags: Every Day is a GreenDay, GreenTech, CT, Energy Efficiency

A Green (and Sweet) Celebration at ebm-papst

Posted on Fri, Jun 14, 2013

To celebrate Year Two of our global Every Day is a GreenDay initiative— and thank employees for their contributions to improving our environment — our Farmington, Conn. headquarters hosted an ice cream social in its central courtyard on a sunny, pleasant June 5.

ebm-papst facilities around the globe planned the day to coincide with the United Nation’s World Enviornment Day. Our Every Day is a GreenDay program is just one more example of our GreenTech philosophy and how we do business year round. 

ebm-papst Inc. employees enjoy a sunny afternoon break – ice cream included - in the company’s tranquil courtyard.
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Employees receive gift bags with LED bulbs, a GreenTech sprayer and recipes to make environmentally friendly home cleaning solutions. 

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Employees receive gift bags with LED bulbs, a GreenTech sprayer and recipes to make environmentally friendly home cleaning solutions.

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Market Manager Tom Costello enjoys locally-sourced ice cream from the University of Connecticut Dairy Bar


Building on the launch of Every Day is a GreenDay last year, in May employees planted new trees around the ebm-papst campus, did a wetlands cleanup, brought paper to a company-wide shredding event and brought in their old electronics for recycling.

Joining the many employees who found ways to save energy on their commute by ride-sharing market manager Todd Cardillo powered his way in with a training run. Todd explains how he and his family are increasing their green activities at home:

Media Coordinator Julie Manning and her husband have been turning their home into an environmentally friendly haven, from recycling old kitchen cupboards for use in the garage, to installing energy-efficient appliances, to state-of-the-art, electricity-sipping lighting systems


Since the company launched its first GreenDay in 2012, Regional Sales Administrator Jessica Chaffin has taken new initiatives to save resources at home and work, including printing fewer documents (or only certain portions of a document), using both sides of a paper and consolidating customer shipments whenever possible.


Beginning this month, ebm-papst employees, partners and customers will be able to stay up to date on the company’s year-round GreenDay and GreenTech activities through the new GoGreen website, courtesy of Manager of Marketing and e-business Jamie Perkins, Marketing Assistant Meghan Finley and Media Coordinator Julie Manning.

Have an idea for our new GoGreen website? Contact us and let’s talk green!

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Tags: GreenTech, CT, Energy Efficiency

Every Day is a GreenDay: Increasing Manufacturing Efficiency

Posted on Thu, May 16, 2013
Brian Ladegard
by Brian Ladegard, Director of Operations
As part of our GreenTech philosophy, not only is our goal to develop new products that are more efficient than the prior generation, but we follow this approach for our processes as well.  That is, our commitment to sustainable practices extends to our production processes for gains in terms of economy and ecology.  Case in point – we have just completed installation of a new Nordson ColorMax powder paint application system complete with their Automatic Feed System and new Encore spray guns.  As a result, we expect to see a significant increase in powder spray efficiency, less scrap powder, lower disposal charges, higher quality painted parts, and significantly faster color change times.

In our old booth, we typically got 60% of the sprayed powder on the parts and 40% became process scrap.  We were able to recycle one color with our older booth, but this didn’t work too well because our primary color kept changing all the time.  In the new Nordson ColorMax booth, we can now effectively recycle ALL colors through the use of dual cyclone technology.  This automatically feeds back (recycles) the 40% of powder that hits the parts and falls into the bottom of the booth – increasing our actual powder usage efficiency to about 95%. 
The other significant advantage for us is color change over time.  The entire booth and all feed hoses had to be fully cleaned (manually) to prevent mixing of colors between production runs.  Our new ColorMax booth has much of the cleaning cycle automated, so a typical color change time for the new booth should be reduced by up to 75% vs. the old booth.  The booth Canopy is a state of the art material that allows for easy blow offs during color changes.  This time regained is significant - as we typically change colors 2-3 times per day.
Finally, we also changed our actual paint application guns to the new Encore system.  These guns are new Low Velocity technology that allows for more even coating and better use of powder at lower air pressures – further reducing powder spray waste.  With the new Lower Velocity technology, we should also improve our painting finish quality for better parts on the “first pass” – with less defects and less rework and re-paints.


Tags: GreenTech, Manufacturing, Energy Efficiency

AxiTop - Listen to the Difference

Posted on Thu, Jan 24, 2013
by Lou Moffa, Market Manager - Refrigeration


Take a walk outdoors in any suburban area and it is difficult to avoid the sounds created by the mechanical inventions in our modern society.  The drone of an aircraft passing overhead, the rush of vehicles from a busy street or the buzz of a lawnmower in the neighbor's yard create a measurable soundtrack to our daily activities.  Most of us are pleasantly surprised by just how quiet it becomes when these sounds suddenly stop and we are exposed to the underlying level of quiet that is present.  We cannot eliminate these noises entirely, but by applying our GreenTech philosophy of continuous design improvement during our product development, ebm-papst can again help engineers create air moving systems that are found outdoors that we can comfortably live with. 

In congested cities, with living spaces adjacent to supermarkets and small industry, the need for quiet operation is not just desired, it is mandatory by local codes.   Fans that are used to move large amounts of air to cool our mechanical equipment or keep our refrigeration systems running are necessary components in the systems that are placed on rooftops and the outside of our buildings.  Engineers and designers work very hard to meet the strict guidelines that are put in place to limit noise but these restrictions can negatively affect their final designs.

describe the imageTo lower noise in these applications, there are standard "fixes" that the designer can call upon to help meet the required noise and performance levels.  With axial fans, the common fix is to reduce the motor RPM and increase the number of fans to handle the air performance needs and or increase the blade size.  These solutions can lead to a reduction in system performance, add components increase the system footprint and increase energy consumption.   Not an appealing solution with today's high electrical costs, small installation areas and increased refrigeration costs.  Even worse, in many cases, these changes are not always effective and further fixes must be done on site where additional changes are even more costly. 

AxiTop from ebm-papst, a leader in air moving technology, offers a groundbreaking solution.  We have combined our high efficiency AC and EC axial fans with a passive diffuser assembled in one complete package to help simplify installations.  Our optimized AxiTop design has been shown to reduce noise lower energy consumption when installed in typical applications.  Integration of this assembly is simple.  The fan and diffuser are delivered as a complete assembly that can easily be integrated into an existing design using our standard square wall plate.  Or custom wall plates are available so that the AxiTop fan assembly can be integrated seamlessly into your air handling system.  

AxiTop is currently available worldwide in 800 and 910mm diameter axial fans.  These popular sizes are perfectly suited for use on rooftop condensers, fluid coolers, and agricultural ventilation applications.

If you need a real solution to meet applications with low noise requirements and at the same time reduce total cost of ownership and simplify your design, our AxiTop product line provides an answer! 

Please visit us at booth #2967 at the upcoming AHR Expo in Dallas, TX, to see the AxiTop units on display and for a complete overview of this exciting new product. Or contact us at sales@us.ebmpapst.com to review the benefits of using AxiTop. 

Tags: ebm-papst, engineering, AHR, AxiTop, Energy Efficiency, Axial